How do you decide when it comes to determining if you need Hormone Replacement Therapy? You google it and you get more confused by the plethora of information, opinions and misinformation. What to do?
Often, the first challenge for people when it comes to determining why they don’t feel so great is that so many primary care physicians will often tell you, “…Your labs look good, you’re in range for your age. You’re just getting older.” This assumes that they’ve run the comprehensive panels to reach that conclusion…and that’s a big assumption. And when it comes to your “age range vs. lab results”, do you really want to be “in range” for your age or be optimized and balanced to the levels that you enjoyed in your prime years? See the difference?
You see, primary care physicians are not specifically trained to evaluate, treat and manage hormonal deficiencies nor address optimizing patients to return them to their youthful hormonal levels. PCP’s rarely get involved with hormone replacement therapy. It takes specific focus and time to evaluate, calibrate, manage and follow patients. PCP’s just don’t have that time nor that focus. Look around your PCP office the next time that you’re up for your annual check up or sick visit. The waiting room is packed. You’re put in a Que or given a number, and then you wait and wait until you’re called only to be seen for 5-10 minutes if you’re lucky. It’s a numbers game when it comes to internal medicine. That’s the reality.
There’s a reason why hormone replacement therapy has become a major focus for so many people who seek to optimize their health as they get older. It’s truly a game changer…if done correctly by a specialist. Correcting hormonal balance and optimizing hormonal levels which will bring you back to your prime levels can bring dramatic improvements in many aspects of your life. Chronic Fatigue? Low Sex Drive? Loss of Muscle Mass? Increasing Body Fat? Poor Sleep Quality? These are some of the most common symptoms of hormonal deficiencies and imbalance. This is why hormone therapy has become so popular for those individuals intent on proactively managing their health to optimize their quality of life long term.
To get evaluated properly, first seek a reputable, established hormone replacement therapy practice that specializes in evaluating, treating and managing hormone therapy patients. The first indicator of best practice when it comes to hormone replacement therapy is the evaluation process. The doctor and medical team should specifically focus upon your medical history, your current symptoms and provide comprehensive evaluation in addition to comprehensive lab testing of ALL hormones. Hormonal balance involves balancing a matrix of many hormones to ensure that proper levels and hormone ratio’s are aligned. It also involves addressing patient symptoms which translates to treating the patient, not the lab results.
When patients are evaluated properly, treated accurately and managed consistently during the course of their programs, patients can experience wonderful improvements in their health and well being. The key is to identify the uniquely positioned hormone replacement specialists who are best equipped and dedicated to ensuring the best results.
To learn more about hormone replacement therapy, visit
RenewFX Health and Wellness
(713) 936-4103